Reasons to Hire a Specialized Contractor for Wood Flooring Refinishing in NYC

by | Aug 16, 2019 | Flooring


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Hardwood floors offer homeowners and their families the kind of timeless beauty that can’t be matched by man-made materials. They require some care, though, including routine refinishing to restore their luster and shine. Read on to find out why it’s always worth hiring a professional for Wood Floor Refinishing in NYC instead of attempting a DIY refinishing job.

All the Right Tools

Refinishing a wood floor requires specialty tools and equipment. Few homeowners have professional-grade floor sanders just sitting around in their garages and even if they do, they won’t know how to use them unless they have training as flooring contractors. While it’s true that stores like Home Depot rent tools and equipment, they’re never of the same quality as those used by professional contractors.

Long-Lasting Results

If homeowners attempt to sand and refinish their own floors, chances are their results won’t last as long. That’s because if they make any mistakes or miss any areas while sanding the floor the stain won’t be able to penetrate the wood. While homeowners can expect the results of professional Wood Flooring Refinishing in NYC to last a decade, most homeowner’s DIY attempts last two to four years, at most.

Save Time

Professional flooring contractors don’t just have access to professional-quality machines that can help them get the job done faster. They’ve also undergone substantial training and have plenty of experience with refinishing floors. On average, it takes even a reasonably handy homeowner three times as long to refinish his or her own floor.

No Mess

Sanding and refinishing a floor creates a lot of mess. Homeowners who opt to take on this task themselves will have to deal with all the dust and debris without the benefit of professional cleaning equipment.

The Savings Are Minimal

Most homeowners attempt to refinish their own floors because they think it will save them money. In reality, the savings will be minimal, given that they’ll still have to pay for materials, rent tools and equipment, and skip work in order to get the job done in any kind of timely manner. Instead, they can skip all that hassle and contact New York Wood Flooring to get a quote today.

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